Monday, February 18, 2019

Criterion B: Developing Ideas

Coding, The Future Unit. Criterion B: Developing Ideas

Criterion B: Developing Ideas

At the end of year 5, students should be able to:
i. develop design specifications, which clearly states the success criteria for the design of a solution
ii. develop a range of feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others
iii. present the chosen design and justify its selection
iv. develop accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outline the requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.

     Strand i) (Maximum of 3 pages)
i)   develop design specifications, which clearly states the success criteria for the design of a solution
-      The design specs should be measurable with a clear way on how the specs will be tested.
-      The specification should be directly connected to your design brief. 


Strand ii)  (Maximum of 7 pages)
ii) develop a range of feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others

- Develop a range of good quality designs and measure each of them against the design specs.
Your description for each design should be detailed and clear and use captions on images or diagrams which are not clear.
- Annotate  the designs with sufficient detail to explain how they meet the requirements of the design specification and to explain design thinking

Strand iii) (Maximum of 4 pages)
iii).  Present the chosen design and justify its selection
         -      State the chosen design from the two designs.
         -      Provide detailed justification why the design was chosen.
         -      Suggest possible improvements to the chosen design. 
         -      If possible show the chosen design with the improvements included as a final design.

Based on your design specifications, choose a design

By referencing your design specifications, write a paragraph outlining which design you choose to create.

Create your chosen design


Create a detailed version of your chosen design.

  • Annotate your design with the items suggested in the image above.
  • Write a paragraph explaining how this chosen design meets all your specifications.
Strand iv) (Maximum of 4 pages)
iv.     develop accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outline the requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.
           The above can be achieved using either of the following tools
           a) Table of requirements.
           b)  Flowchart
           c)  Site Map

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Criterion A: Inquiring and Analyzing

Coding, The Future!

Criterion A: Inquiring and Analyzing

Key Concepts
Development is the act or process of growth, progress or evolution, sometimes through iterative improvements.

Systems are sets of interacting or interdependent components. Systems provide structure and order in human, natural and built environments. Systems can be static or dynamic, simple or complex.

Related Concepts

Function, Innovation, Invention

Systems are essential for innovations and inventions. 

Global Context & Explorations
Scientific and technical innovation
 Explorations to develop
  • Digital life, virtual environments and the Information Age
  • Products, processes and solutions
  • Systems, models, methods

"Systems and Development are essential for innovations and invention"

Inquiry Questions

  • Factual
     Digital Design
      What makes coding languages different?
  • Conceptual
     Digital Design
      How do software developments and innovations impact our lives?
  • Conceptual
     Digital Design
      Can software products be sustainable?
  • Debatable
     Digital Design
      Who should be held responsible for software failures?
  • Debatable
     Digital Design
      Software piracy/hacking is justified in many instances.

AKA Strand;

Ethics; If we are to code software to solve problems, what are some of the ethical considerations that leaders will need to consider?

Criterion A: Inquiring and Analyzing

Coding is a basic literacy in the digital age, and it is important for learners to understand and be able to work with and understand the technology around them. Software development is essential for solving current problems and future challenges. The computer programming is a prerequisite of the software development job. Building something from scratch and integrate changes into existing software requires some programming / coding knowledge and skills. 

For this unit you will identify a client with a problem that can be solved by coding software fully or partially. The problem faced by the client should be clearly described and the client's current way of managing the situation.The problem description should include the current
limitations the client is facing and detailed explanation of why you think an IT solution 
will be the best. 

It is expected that your will develop the following skills while programming / coding; Empathy, Communication,Teamwork, Patience, open-mindedness, Problem solving and Accountability.

Breaking the requirements for each strand;

i. Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/target  audience: (Maximum of  3 pages)

  • Introduce the unit by highlighting; Global Context, Key Concept, AK strand/s and Learner profile. Ensure that the introduction is link to the unit. 
  • Explain the background of the problem facing the client/target audience, discuss this problem and how long it has persisted, show how it has affected the client and community, show how the client is in dire need for solution. Give examples of social challenges arising from this problem, show how an IT solution will be better placed to solve this problem and share the benefits to the client if the problem is solved.

Ideas in the link below

 ii.   identify and prioritize primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem: (Maximum of 3 Pages)
(clearly identify which sources are primary and secondary and demonstrate understanding of each)
- construct a detailed research plan
- follow the research plan to collect your detailed information from primary/secondary sources.
- Let your research question cover the software development problems and the IT tools in detail. 

ideas in the link below

           iii.  Analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem: (maximum of 5 Pages)
(have a clear analysis of exiting products IT tools and finished products which can solve the same problem)

Discuss different IT tools and products; in each type show examples and how they  work plus their images;  ( software; websites, animations, games, apps,...) you intend to use, in each categories show examples and how they  work plus their images, advantages and disadvantages.

Ideas in the link below

iv. Develop a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research. (maximum of 2 Pages) ( produce a design brief that summarizes their research and then links it to the client/target audience)

- Write a detailed design brief that outlines, the client/target audience opinion, the experts opinion, and your personal opinion. Discuss the IT tools you will use, discuss the key features of the tool, specifications  and its benefits to the client based on your research.

           ideas in the link below

Bibliography should be using APA formatting. ( A maximum of 1 page)
Using APA Formatting, spelling, and grammar should be done.