Many sports have problems that can be solved easily by introducing new or existing information
technology solutions. The digital solutions can transform a sport in terms of publicity, accessibility,
tutorials, or enhance the organization's and the documentation of the sports operations.
Your task is to identify a sport related challenge that can be addressed or solved using an IT based
solution or introduce a new sport in the community. The problem should be clearly described and the
client's current way of addressing the situation described. The problem description should include the
current limitations the client is facing and detailed explanation of why you think an IT solution will be the best.
Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing
Maximum: 8
Breaking the requirements for each strand;
i). Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/target audience: (Maximum of 2 pages)
- Have introduction to the unit by highlighting; Global Context, Key Concept, AK strand/s and Learner profile. Ensure that the introduction is link to the unit.
- Explain the background of the problem facing the client/target audience, discuss this problem and how long it has persisted, show how it has affected the client and community, show how the client is in dire need for solution. Give examples of social challenges arising from this problem, show how an IT solution will be better placed to solve this problem and share the benefits to the client if the problem is solved.
Please note the TWO things to consider;
a) Detailed background information of the current problem.
b) Clear and to the point problem justification. Why you think IT solution is best suited for the problem.
Make sure you identify and justify:
a) What is the problem?
b) Whose problem is it? ( identify the client/target audience)
c) Where is the problem occurring? ( identify the situation)
d) What is the cause of the problem?
e) What effect is the problem?
Grading 7-8: Section that relates to strand
- A detailed explanation and justification of the problem.
ii. identify and prioritize primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem: (Maximum of 2 Pages)
( clearly identify which sources are primary and secondary and demonstrate understanding of each)
- construct a detailed research plan which identifies and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop the solution to the problem. Show the what you need to research, how you will gather the info,(primary/secondary), when the task will be completed.
- follow the research plan to collect your detailed information from primary/secondary sources.
- Let your research question cover the business problem and the IT tools in detail.
- Independently generate 12+ detailed SMART and appropriate questions, which are clearly prioritized (Top 3 must be in a logical order) and identified as the specific type of primary and secondary research sources, to help develop the solution focused on:
❏- Client
❏ ‐ Time
❏ ‐ Resources
❏ ‐ Function
❏ ‐ Aesthetics
iii. Analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem: (maximum of 4 Pages)
(have a clear analysis of exiting products IT tools and finished products which can solve the same problem)
Discuss different IT tools and products; in each type show examples and how they work plus their images; you intend to use, in each categories show examples and how they work plus their images, advantages and disadvantages. Their rating/statistical performance of the existing products other companies have used.
Finally select one out of the list of tools e.g mobile app, excel puzzle and justify why it is the best solution than the rest for the problem, show the different types of your IT solution, e.g different excel mobile software and select one excel mobile software that you will use explaining how it work with supporting images
- 4+ products are all analyzed in detail (excel mobile apps, excel puzzles and/or Parts, purposes, complexities thinking routines, etc..). Appropriate usage of subject specific vocabulary ‐ the elements of design ‐ Aesthetic and functional elements.
iv). Develop a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research. (maximum of 2 Pages) ( produce a design brief that summarizes their research and then links it to the client/target audience)
- Write a detailed design brief that outlines, the client/target audience opinion, the experts opinion, and your personal opinion. Discuss the IT tools you will use, discuss the key features of the tool, specifications and its benefits to the client based on your research.
- Your design brief should cover all relevant areas of your research and explaining in detail why you did not use IT tools (these) plus justifications and why you will use other tools and justifications.
- Write a summary of the collected research, with appropriate images, which tie together the findings from the student’s research and how it will affect their project. Include a coherent design brief (in paragraph form) that connects the clients’ needs, and how the student’s product intends to solve the problem and any potential constraints (such as time, materials, etc.). Guidance: 400 + words.
The design brief must highlight the following aspects of the students research
❏ ‐ Time
❏ ‐ Resources
❏ ‐ Environmental considerations
❏ ‐ Safety
❏ ‐ Function/Usability
❏ ‐ Aesthetics/Visual Communication
❏ ‐ Technical Skills
Bibliography should be using APA formatting. ( A maximum of 1 page)
Using APA Formatting, spelling, and grammar should be done.
- Your document should page numbered
- Appropriate diagrams can be used for the explanation in strand
Following Rubric helps to evaluate their work.
At the end of the unit, students should be able to:
i. Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem
ii. State and prioritize the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the problem
iii. Describe the main features of one existing product that inspires a solution to the problem
iv. Present the main findings of relevant research.
1. In-Text Citation.
In - Text Citation allows the reader to know what ideas, opinion and facts are the author's and what came from the source. The citation also refers the reader/ examiner to the reference page at the end for full citation.
In APA style, in-text citation are composed of author's last name, date/year of publication and the page number. (Truner, 2003,p.34).If you include a page range, use two ps followed by a period (Wafula, 2015, pp.34-35). The sentence period comes at the end of closing parenthesis.
Additional information
1. one author stated "..................",(Tally, 2003, p.6).
2. Two authors said, "...................",(Tally,& Deifan,2003, p.7).
3. Three to five authors ".............", (Tally, Daifan,&Mohamed, 2003, pp. 45-46).
4. Six or more authors, ".............",(Tally et al,2003, p. 17).
5. Unknown author use short title (" hip hop art", 2006, p. 7).
6. No date no page (" hip hop art", n.d, para.1).
2. Appendix/appendices.
An appendix (one item) OR appendices (more than one item) is information that is NOT ESSENTIAL to explain your findings in the essay or report that you have written. However, this information may support your analysis and justification of your conclusions. For example the interview questions and answers.
Therefore, you will need to know that:
● Appendices are used when the incorporation of material in the body of the work would make it poorly structured or too long and detailed.
( Interviews, questionnaires, surveys and their answers can be placed in appendix)
● Appendices may be used for helpful, supporting or essential material that would otherwise clutter, break up or be distracting to the text. ( images, photocopies, drawings, sketches,...)
● Other people’s work in the appendix will be referred to (e.g. see Appendix 3), not quoted (e.g. using short or long quotes) from the appendix.
● Appendices must be referred to in the body of the text, for example, ‘details of the questionnaire are given in Appendix B (on page 23)’
Examples of students’ understandings about using appendices Student 1 (reflective writing)
This example is about a two-page questionnaire that I designed and placed in the appendices. My understanding is that an appendix can be information that you used to inform your writing that you don't want to put directly into the essay; however, you MUST refer to this appendix in the body of the essay Therefore, in my Education essay, I included an appendix that was the actual questionnaire that I gave to my students when I was on teaching practice. In my essay, I wrote for the marker to ‘see Appendix 1’ when I had mentioned the results of the questionnaire I was required to write and use with my class.
Student 2 (reflective writing)
In my nursing assignment, my appendices were used to supplement the information in my essay. Firstly, we had to demonstrate our knowledge of the human skeletal system. The photocopied diagrams covered a number of pages, so Appendix 1 was a set of photocopied, labelled diagrams of the skeletal system discussed and referred to in the essay. Because the photocopied diagrams were copied from a book, I placed an in-text reference to this source in my writing. Secondly, we had to summarize the results of interviews with five patients at the local hospital about their recovery from bone breakages in car accidents, so Appendix 2 was a transcript of these interviews. Using appendices like this meant that I could show my lecturer that I had completed the set task and collected the data for the issues that were discussed in the essay
More information on appendix click on this link
How to use Appendix
Great resources to help you are Bibme or Easybib Remember to select APA style.