Tuesday, December 1, 2015


The challenge is to come up with a unit 2 synopsis of the following items:

  1. Specify the problem area you want to focus on; Management, new sport, data management, alerts, awareness
  2. Specify the client, clients,or audience.( club, team, school, 
  3. Identify the probable IT solution or solutions that will be ideal based on the problem and clients needs. ( gaming, mobile apps, interactive magazines,  interactive websites- coding, tutorial/educative video, data base, e.t.c
  4. categorically analyze how such a tool will stretch your skills and knowledge to full potential. Give a justification.

N/B: Send your unit synopsis to my email by end of the lesson. 


Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing
Maximum: 8
Students identify the need for a solution to a problem. At the end of year 4, students should be able to:
      i.        explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/target audience
     ii.        identify and prioritize primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem
   iii.        analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem
    iv.        develop a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research.

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