Sunday, October 21, 2018

Week per Week Learning outcomes / Objectives.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry
Learning process
Business requires the use of technology in helping manage data pertaining to the clients. In this unit, students will understand the functioning of business companies and learn how Excel can help them manage the financial transactions.

Learning experiences and teaching strategies
-Data collection through quesionnaires from clients.
-Processing the information to determine an action using the software.
-Analysis of the data can be done by either revise or modify methods.
-Research and record activity will be used as one of the teaching strategies.
-Group discussion will take place before solving any task.
-Exemplar work will be shown for their better understanding.
-Evaluation takes place, feedback will be given, which can be used to revise or modify their piece of work.
Week 1:
Lessons 1
1. Introduce the Unit ( Key concept, relatated concept, Global Concept, Inquiry questions, AK strands
Lesson 2
1. Exploring Excel
    Finding and using commands
    Moving around a worksheet
    Creating a workbook
    Opening, closing and saving workbooks
    Entering data into cells
Lesson 3
    Creating Simple Formulas
    Writing formulas in cells
    Using the Formula Bar
    AutoSum and other basic functions
    The Paste Function tool
    Automatic calculation

Week 2
Lesson 1
Working with Functions 
    Using the Paste Function tool
    Absolute and relative cell references

Lesson 2
   Using range names in functions
    Creating nested functions
    Logical functions (SUMIF, COUNTIF)
    The IF function and nested IFs
    Sorting Data

Lesson 3:
Introduce Criterion A

Strand 1. Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a specified client/target audience

Week 3

Lesson 1

Strand ii. Identify and prioritize primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem
Lesson 2.
Stand iii. Analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the problem
Lessons 3.
Strand iv. Develop a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research.

Week 4.
Lesson 1.
Coounter check and finalyze on criterion A

Week 4
Lesson 2, week 5, 6,and 7

Criterion C
Strand 1. construct a logical plan, which describes the efficient use of time and resources, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solution

Strand ii. demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the solution

Strand iii. follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended

Strand iv; fully justify changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution

Week 5 and 6:
Lessons 1, 2, 3

Strand i. design detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solution

Strand ii. critically evaluate the success of the solution against the design specification

Strand iii. explain how the solution could be improved

Strand iv. explain the impact of the solution on the client/target audience.

Formative assessment

1.      Students will be assessed on identification of the different factors of the targeted client and their business development and present the information through organizing data collected.

2.      Students will be assessed on the identification of key elements of clients’ requirements and mapping of these requirements to different functionalities of Excel functions, formulas, and charts used in this tool.
-   Students are encouraged to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of using Excel as a tool in the evaluation stage.
3.       Students will be assessed on their understanding on the impact of technology to performance.
-   A questionnaire to test/diagnostic test to know the prior learning of the students
-   A video tutorial of excel is made accessible to students who are new to this tool.
-   A Range of tasks are set to identify the ability to make use of the functionalities of excel based on the video tutorials.

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