Monday, November 16, 2015

Unit 2: Sports Technology.

Design Guide

Task 1 (Conceptual Understanding) Read page 20-26 and write your 
responses in your note book for the following questions;

a) What is conceptual understanding or learning? What is a concept?

b) List the key concepts contributed by the study of Design.

c) What are related concepts? Are they similar or different in different 
subject areas?

d) What are global contexts? Are global contexts similar or different 
across the subject areas?

e) What is a statement of inquiry? 

f)  In your own understanding of the Business Quest unit, write examples of inquiry questions

i)  Factual
ii)  Conceptual
iii) Debatable

g) Outline the five MYP ATL skills.

Mr. Wamurwa Victor/ 
Robert Opondo
Subject group and discipline
Digital Design
Unit title
 Sports Technology
MYP year
Unit duration (hrs)
Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit
Key concept
Related concept(s)
Global context
Ergonomics, Innovation
Scientific and technical innovation
Statement of inquiry
Technical innovations are both a function and product of dynamic changes in systems.
Inquiry questions
Factual— What are the pre-requisites for the development of systems?
Conceptual— To what extent does a product meet universal needs?
Debatable— Is the development of a system linear or iterative?
Summative assessment
Objective A: Inquiring and analyzing
 Due 8th Dec.
Objective B: Developing ideas  Due 7th Jan 2015
Objective C: Creating a solution
Due 29th Jan
Objective D: Evaluating
Due 23rd Feb
Outline of summative assessment task(s) including assessment criteria:
There are many sports in existence, some retaining their original rules and practice, while others greatly changed in line with societal trends. Students are required to design and make a product that contributes towards sports, or create a product that will revolutionize a particular sport as we know it today.
Relationship between summative assessment task(s) and statement of inquiry:
Students will have deeper understanding of the development of sports as part of a social system aiming at meeting the needs of society.
Approaches to learning (ATL)
Collaboration: Make fair and equitable decisions; Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas; Give and receive meaningful feedback; Advocate for one’s own rights and needs.
Communication: Give and receive meaningful feedbackduring presentations; Share ideas with multiple audiences using a variety of digital environments and media; Organize and depict information logically; Understand and use mathematical notation
Transfer: Compare conceptual understanding across multiple subject groups and disciplines.
Information Literacy Skills: Collect and analyse data to identify solutions and make informed decisions; Process data and report results.
Critical Thinking: Practise observing carefully in order to recognize problems; Gather and organize relevant information to formulate an argument; Recognize unstated assumptions and bias;  Interpret data; Evaluate evidence and arguments;  Draw reasonable conclusions and generalizations
CreativeThinking: Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or processes.


  1. Hi,
    Great idea...
    Was this unit done in collaboration with the PE department?

  2. If another lockdown comes, I'm going to use this with my yr 9's.
